
Chinese Medicine is a very ancient type of medicine which includes not only acupuncture but also herbal medicine, cupping therapy, various massage techniques (gua sha, tui na, etc), a special diet and exercises.

person holding woman nose
person holding woman nose
What conditions acupuncture helps with?
  • Short-term improvement in the symptoms of overactive bladder syndrome

  • Short-term relief of tension type headaches

  • Short-term relief of migraine headache

  • Short-term relief of chronic low back pain

  • Short-term relief of neck pain or chronic neck pain

  • Short-term relief from temporomandibular (TMD/TMJ) pain

  • Temporary adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis knee pain

What Is Facial Acupuncture?

Facial acupuncture is an alternative therapy, that involves inserting needles into specific points on the face.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into the skin and underlying tissues in key ‘points’ for therapeutic or preventative purposes. The theory behind the therapy is that certain “trigger points” – probably nerve fibres or receptors – are stimulated with needles which are thought to induce rhythmic discharges that cause a release of endogenous opioids and oxytocin.